Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

The Was:

The Is:

What Happened:

Well, if it isn't obvious, I got a haircut.  I have this really bad habit of letting my hair grow out really long until I just can't stand it anymore before I will finally go and have it cut.  This time, I used the excuse that I didn't want to have to find a new hairdresser here in Raleigh, and I would just put it off until I could go have it done back home.  The truth is, I don't even have an official hairdresser back home, either, so there was really no excuse to let it get so bad before having it cut.  The Was picture is actually a little worse than I thought it looked...  and maybe I'll just tell myself that was taken on a bad hair day.  With wavy hair like mine, if it's warm outside, I usually don't dry it and I just let it do whatever it wants to.  In these colder months, I basically have to dry it straight unless I want to be miserable when I step outside.  It will never look as good as the Is picture, though, because that was taken right after I got back from having it cut and I don't own a flat iron.  Honestly, even if I did have one, I don't think I'd be able to successfully use it on myself.

My HLM has one of the best New Years Resolutions I've ever heard of:  Wear More Glitter.  The interpretation of this resolution is to take more time to primp yourself in the morning, whether it's just putting on a little more eye make up, or (in my case) taking the time to get your hair straight and not looking like a rat's next.  So, I've adopted her resolution as my own, and I've decided that I'm going to put a slight bit more effort into my appearance each day...  In actuality it will probably be so slight that it will probably not even be noticeable to those around me, but it's an important thing to just do for myself.  I'll know the difference.

Of course, we'll see how long it lasts once this semester gets under way - we're in the first week, and I'm starting to think taking 3 electives on top of the normal course load may have been a bad idea.  Eeek!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you stole my resolution, haha! So far I've been sticking to mine pretty well (not including days off where I didn't leave the house or only went to the grocery store), but we're only 15 days into the year so we'll see...
    I do have a glittery eyeliner so once a week or so, my resolution is to be taken literally. I've also tried to select at least one accessory to wear (usually a necklace) every day.
